With the interest of art and designing from such a young age, I decided to undertake a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design at Canterbury Christ Church University. I am currently doing an MA in Graphic Design and Visualisation at Loughborough University.
I have developed knowledge in the Adobe softwares and basic website creation. I like to design pieces that have meaning behind them and can design various illustrations and artworks in which my strong points are being able to draw.
I use many techniques of drawing such as pointillism, zentangle art, the use of soft pastels and water colours. Using different methods improves my ability to design from different perspectives whether it is based on a platforms size or color. This allows me to expand my graphic design skill set in different ways.
In my free time, I enjoy dancing, going to the gym and researching latest trends for inspirations and ideas. I also enjoy rock, hip hop and pop music.